Thursday, July 10, 2014

Pyramids and Inflateable Races

So today was an interesting day.  We began our day with breakfast, obviously, and then we headed down to Eucharist.  This was probably the most fun I have ever had at a Eucharist.  The sermon was amazing, and the entire service was bilingual to help all of our friends from the Spanish speaking countries.  We even started a thing when we all decided to sway together.  Right after we did, California, who was sitting in front of us, started to sway too.  Then everyone around us was, and then random diocese across the room were.  It was awesome.  After Eucharist, we had a group picture, and we made pyramids.  We here in the Diocese of Bethlehem are very big on making pyramids for photos.

We then had like an hour of free time, and afterward it was already lunch.  Which was delicious.  After lunch we had our first round of workshops.  There were so many options it was hard to choose.  The options ranged from dorky dancing to a session of "Grill the Presiding Bishop".  This was fun.  After workshop one, we had workshop two, which had another wide range.  The great thing about the workshops, is that if you don't feel up to going you are allowed to hang out in your room, nap, etc.

After workshops, we had structured free time.  Basically, most of us went and played cards, and other people went and played the amazing game called lets make friends.  Then it was dinner, and as it turned out structured free time was bounce house racing things.  So a few of us did this after dinner.  It was sooo much fun.

The last thing we did today was evening plenary.  Basically evening prayer mixed in with some slight sermony speechy stuff.  Still a lot of fun.  So that was our day.


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